Acceptable Use Policy of Insert Affiliate

Last updated 08 April 2024

This Acceptable Use Policy (“This Policy”) delineates certain constraints regarding your access to and utilisation of Insert Affiliate (denoted as “Insert Affiliate” or “Us”) affiliate tracking (denoted as the “Services”). This Policy is integrated into any existing service agreement between You (“You”, “Your”, or “Customer”) and Insert Affiliate (“Agreement”). It's important to note that the limitations outlined in this Policy are not exhaustive.

Applicability: This Policy applies to all users of Insert Affiliate's Services, including Insert Affiliate Customers and any Authorized Users granted access to the Services on your behalf. Breach of this Policy by You or any Authorized Users is considered a violation of the Agreement between You and Insert Affiliate.

Definitions: Terms capitalised herein but not defined are as per the definitions provided in the Agreement.

Prohibited Actions: You are prohibited from engaging in the following activities while utilising Insert Affiliate’s Services:

  • Gathering, transmitting, or storing any content or information that is deemed illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libellous, invasive of privacy, hateful, or racially or ethnically motivated, or poses a threat to public safety.
  • Collecting, transmitting, or storing unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other forms of unauthorised solicitation.
  • Gathering, transmitting, or storing sensitive information, including but not limited to end-user account passwords, financial information, personal health information, government identifiers, or any other data considered sensitive under applicable law, without proper authorisation.
  • Creating lists or segments targeting children under the age of 13 (or under the age of 16 in certain jurisdictions), advertising mobile applications or websites directed to such children, and/or marketing products or services to them without express permission from Insert Affiliate, in accordance with relevant laws protecting children (including, but not limited to, GDPR and COPPA).

Intellectual Property Restrictions: You are explicitly prohibited from attempting to reverse engineer, copy, disassemble, or decompile the Services. Insert Affiliate reserves the right to take any necessary actions to address suspected or actual instances of infringement.